I cannot believe it is already December. November flew by so quickly! After many auditions, lots of nannying, and a short Thanksgiving holiday in NC, fall was over, and winter had arrived. It is winter in New York for sure! Not only am I wearing my down coat every day, but there are Christmas lights and Christmas music everywhere! I love it!
Ross and Me at church in NC |
I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to go home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Having five days off from work and auditioning, and getting to spend time with family and friends was such a blessing. The trip to NC of course brought lots of feelings of nostalgia, but despite that it was a lovely vacation! I ate several delicious meals, shopped a LOT, saw three movies, and caught up with so many people!
B and me at the tree lighting |
This week, my friends Bridget and Kate and I went to see the lighting of the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center. It was a one time experience that I am glad I had, but will probably never choose to have again. I will watch it on TV next year. The crowds were insane, there were way too many people invading my personal space, and though we heard all of the artists perform live, we were not close enough to see them. I'm glad I went though!
Kate and me at the tree lighting |
Bromance the Dudsical |
Wednesday night, I had the awesome opportunity to see "Bromance: The Dudsical" at Caroline's. It is a new musical, and this was the premiere of the concert edition. The cast is stellar, and it was a truly enjoyable night. We had a great time at the after party, and hanging out with the composers and creative team at Chelsea Grill after that.
I am so excited that December is here. The best month in New York is finally upon us, and I'm really looking forward to all of the Christmas parties, my visitors, and simply enjoying the Christmas cheer in the city.