Sunday, October 3, 2010

"I want an equity card, a margarita, and some queso."

After waiting at an audition for hours and hours, and becoming delirious from our exhaustion, my good friend Lindsay and I decided that the three things we wanted were an equity card, a margarita and some queso. Obviously margaritas are fairly easy to find in New York, but queso is not, and an equity card is fairly difficult to obtain anywhere! (If equity card is a foreign term to you, ask me about it, and I will explain all about AEA.)

Lindsay and me after an audition, during the horrible rain.
(We have matching raincoats)
Last week was a week FULL of auditioning! On Friday I was running back and forth between three auditions in the torrential rain. Miserable! Waiting on the street in the rain at 6 am is no fun! Auditioning itself is becoming more fun though as I make friends with a few of the non-diva people that I'm auditioning with, and become more confident with my audition material. One audition highlight last week was auditioning for Frank Wildhorn's "Wonderland" and singing for Dave Clemmons, a casting director I worked with when I was fourteen. I realized I've known him longer than anyone else in the city, and it was such a joy to see him!

The weekend has been great! I went to Blockheads with Sherrie, and then celebrated my good friend Geoff's birthday at the Beer Garden in Astoria on Friday night. It was the first time in awhile that nearly all of my UNC theatre friends were together in New York at the same time. I could not have been happier to everybody! What a great night!

Geoff, the Birthday Boy, and me!
Me, William, Bridget

I performed in my play (first NY play!) on Saturday and Sunday. Mom came to the city, so we've had a grand time shopping and enjoying the lovely weather. It's turning into fall here for sure, and I'm loving the crisp cool autumn weather we're having this weekend!

Matt, the guy that played opposite me in "Post Its." He's the best! :)

The building where my show performed.

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